With fall just around the corner (September 22nd to be exact!), and L.A. weather still reaching triple digits.... I figured I'd do a fall inspired shake. Warm, hearty ingredients... in the form of a refreshingly creamy milkshake!!!
1.5 frozen bananas
1 Tbsp unsweetened carob powder
2 small dates
1-1.5 cups Pacific Natural unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Dash of liquid bourbon vanilla extract
Pinch of nutmeg
1 Tbsp almond hazelnut butter (or nut butter of your choice)
Blend and top with chopped almonds and/ or hazelnuts and enjoy underneath a cozy A/C vent!!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Chocolate Tangerine Pot de crème with salted caramelized Pistachios...YUMMY!!!
I don't recall who first told me about this, but imagine if you will, a dessert made with avocado. Personally, nothing of the sort had ever crossed my mind, and since I try to limit my soy intake whenever possible... I filed it away in my memory bank and decided I'd give it a test run on a dinner guest tonight. OK, the "guest" is just Jose....tee hee!
There were plenty of opportunities for me to taste test along the way and I can safely say that this is one LUSCIOUS dessert. I suggest the teeny tiny ramekins... this is some SERIOUSLY RICH stuff. Flavor idea courtesy Pazzo, the pistachios my (ahem) brilliant twist!!! I hope you love it as much as I do!
Soy free & vegan. Bon Appétit!!!
6 tangerines (all juiced except for 1/2)
zest of 1 medium orange
zest of 1 medium orange
2 medium-large avocados
1 10 oz. package Enjoy Life semi sweet chocolate chips
1.5 tsp liquid vanilla extract
small handful raw pistachios coarsely chopped
1 Tbsp maple syrup (optional)
1 Tbsp brown rice syrup (or maple syrup)
pinch of coarse salt (ideally Himalayan Pink)
1- blend avocados together with a few tablespoons of the tangerine juice and 1 tsp vanilla, until you've achieved a smooth pudding-like consistency
2- melt chocolate chips in a double boiler, over low heat constantly stirring with a whisk. add remaining juice to chocolate mixture and stir until relatively smooth. add mixture to the avocado mix already in blender and blend together until all ingredients are incorporated and any remaining lumpiness is smoothed out. taste along the way. if it's not sweet enough for you, add a little maple syrup to your liking.
3- ladle into 2.5 oz. ramekins and set aside to cool.
4- coat pistachios with brown rice syrup (or maple), add 1/2 tsp vanilla and brulee with a torch (or caramelize over a stovetop with a little added water). remove from heat and immediately add a pinch of coarse salt over pistachios and let cool.
5- top the chocolate-filled ramekins with pistachios and tangerine supremes (skin/ membrane/ pith removed)
Chill for 3-4 hours before serving & enjoy same or next day.... Yummy yummm yummm!!!!
** Makes about ten 2.5 oz. ramekins
*** Note: I distributed these to friends and neigbors alike, and made each of them guess the secret ingredient... and not a single one of them could, so to those of you who are concerned about the avocado taste being overpowering-- don't be! Props to these brave volunteers-- because telling me there's a secret ingredient in something is enough to make me not want to try it!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Ice Ice Baby...
I hope I didn’t burst too many people’s bubbles when I first announced (in my last blog) that I am not perfect…haha! And precisely for this reason, it is important to treat yourself every now and then. But what do you do when your weekly treat snowballs into almost daily and when sugar is your (okay, my) heroin? You cut out all simple carbohydrates COLD TURKEY for a few weeks (or longer), and then sloowwwly cycle them back in. So, this means…eat small meals often (2-4 hours depending on your activity level), always with a little protein. This ensures that you’re satiated and that your blood sugar levels remain steady throughout the day, so you’re not tempted to eat something sweet because you’ve allowed yourself to become famished! This takes some planning, but it’s totally do-able and your body will thank you for it. Nuts are a great on-the-go snack that you can pack in small Ziploc bags to munch on. Just remember not to overdo the nuts. A small handful should do the trick. Small doses of nuts are high in good fats, but good fats are still fattening…so easy does it! Also, include in your diet plenty of fresh, rainbow-colored vegetables of the non-starchy variety. This way, you are getting all your nutrients in without the accompanying sugar rush that you get with starchy veggies and fruits! Also, ladies who enjoy fragrances with a vanilla base can probably stand to lose the scents that smell like dessert for a little while. I am one of those ladies. Every time I spray on Comptoir Sud Pacifique’s Extreme Vanilla, I start having visions of cake and ice cream. Just a thought, do with it what you will…hehe!
Having said this, I promised my readership a June blog about sorbetto and espresso and well, a promise is a promise! :-D I’m no quitter! So, sit back and enjoy my tips on the best places to catch some relief from the scorching summer days that are upon us!
I did, in fact, go off the deep end and have a scoop of the chocolate orange sorbetto at Pazzo…. before the week was up. OOoohhh, it was GOOODDDD. It was so lush and creamy! Anyone who considers themselves the “gelato type”, in favor of a richer, more sinful dessert…should try this sorbetto. You will forget that there is no cream/ egg/ milk to speak of in the ingredients list. It is INCREDIBLE. Incredibly edible. Sophisticated flavors of dark chocolate with a substantial orange flavor throughout. It tastes very much like those chocolate candy sticks (orange candy dipped in dark chocolate) you might’ve turned your nose up at as a child, unless you were a child with a refined palate- I, for one, was not! The only chocolate in my childhood vocabulary consisted of Hershey’s chocolate kisses and Cadbury eggs every Easter!
Up next on the gelaterias-to-visit roster: Scoops and Bulgarini. Keep your eyes glued!
<3 <3 <3
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Affogato, anyone?
Ciaoooo my lovelies!!! :-D
So, my mission this month: to find the best espresso and sorbetto in L.A. Also, a bit of a paradox since my other mission is to seriously lean out and get more defined after gorging myself on pizza and gelato in Italy last month… eek! Anyone who knows me, knows well that I don’t indulge in any white sugar or much caffeine (save for green or white tea). I don’t eat white sugar of any kind and haven’t in years and I hadn’t had coffee in probably two decades…UNTIL, that is, I went to Italy and all sense went out the window for the 12 days I was there. And now… well, now I’m sure I’m addicted and need rehab. I had made peace with myself in advance of my trip. I would have dairy while there and I REALLY took this and ran with it! OK, so I’m not perfect…who is??? I totally enjoyed every minute of it and have no regrets. Now it’s time to rein myself in and so I shall! So…sorbetto and espresso. Back to the matter at hand!
During my Italian trip, I would have 3-4 espressos daily. “Un caffè per favore!” was one of the first things I learned to say. I figured I could always sleep when my holiday was over! Three neat little sips and I would be done.. and WIRED! No sugar, no milk…just delicious, bitter yumminess! I was worried that this would be one bad habit that may just stick post-trip, until… I tried my first American-made espresso last week at Swork in Eagle Rock. Kha-tooey! Così schifo! Salty and sour makes a delicious potato chip. But an espresso? Not so much! I was slightly relieved that this may not become a bad habit after all. Americans can’t make a good espresso, I thought…yay!
My next try started with a text from my friend Jose “So, when are we meeting up for dinner/ lunch?”…it was originally supposed to be “Sorbetto Saturdays” in keeping with my fitness mission. It was a Wednesday when he texted and I immediately began to have visions of gorgeous tubs of creamy sorbettos in all the glorious colors of the rainbow. Did he say dinner? I suggested Pazzo ( http://www.pazzogelato.net/ ) in Silverlake and he was into the idea, YAH! So, we first met at Flore, which is a vegan café right across the street. I ordered a huge hunk of their vegan chocolate strawberry cake…I couldn’t (didn’t want to) resist! The cake, we would share. I hate sharing food (as most people who have dined with me are well aware), but I figured this would be my little compromise…trying to be good. FYI: The cake is the only thing at Flore I’ve had which is AMAZINGLY GOOD. The food, I can do without. Then we walked across the street to Pazzo and there it was… a shiny happy technicolored display of gelatos and sorbettos in flavors like pear, pineapple, blood orange, white chocolate raspberry, mandarin stracciatella! I had heard great things about this place, so I had a feeling it was going to be good…and mmm MMMM GOOOODDD it was!!! I had heard through the grapevine that Pazzo also makes a great espresso and it was indeed AWESOMELY GOOD! Easily as good as I’ve had in Italy! Deliciously bitter, not at all acidic and with a beautiful rich muddy foam on top. Also, the size of the espresso was about 4 times the size I had in Italy… apparently, we Americans like our coffee supersized too, haha! The sweet waitress told us they use a brand called Weaver’s saying “they just know how to roast beans up there in Oregon” … in my research, I actually found they’re a California based company. Who cares?! They make damn good coffee!!! I used my espresso high later that night to maniacally jump rope for almost 30 minutes straight. If you haven’t tried it, you should! Now, for the sorbetto… smooottthe (not in the least bit gritty), creamy, oh sooo good going down! I had the limoncello which was perfectly tart but not so much that you have to squint your eyes before you swallow, haha! I also had a scoop of the raspberry dark chocolate chip. I had heard that Pazzo have a dark chocolate orange sorbetto which I was hoping to try. They didn’t have it the night we went, so this fruit chocolate combination alllmost fit the bill… though I still prefer chocolate paired with orange! Tart raspberry with jagged little crunchy bits of dark chocolate. Tangy, fresh and sweet fruit flavor…creamy and crunchy textures. HEAVEN in my bocca, I tell you! I love that Pazzo change up their flavors all the time according to what’s in season. Can’t wait to go back next Wednesday to try something new…yummy yum YUM!!!
Tip to all you Intelligentsia lovers. Next time you don’t feel like standing in line, grab your coffee at Pazzo. It can get crowded there too, but they don’t take themselves as seriously and the lines are still usually shorter.
Buon Appetito & stay tuned for more espresso/ sorbetto reviews coming your way this June (I'll be sad when June is over... haha)!!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
At what expense?
I can’t help but wonder today what the heck is wrong with the world.
I woke up this morning to the latest oil spill news. This time, it’s the Gulf of Mexico, and the spill is five times worse than “experts” originally thought… endangering a variety of wildlife during peak mating/ spawning season. Poor helpless creatures. When are we going to wake up and realize we need to nurture this Earth that gives us SO MUCH without asking for anything in return? When??? Aren’t the “natural” disasters the world has been experiencing enough of a wake-up call? Is it that people are just too busy to care? And if the answer is yes, then what can we do to wake up the average working class person to what is happening to their world before it gets by them? I’ve thought about this often. I get that people are too busy trying to make ends meet, and trying to cut corners which sometimes makes it difficult (though not impossible) to live eco-consciously. I think we need to start at the elementary school level. Children are impressionable, smarter than most adults, and I believe wholeheartedly that implementing some kind of environmental education plan early on will prove to be priceless in the long run.
Now, what do we do about the adults? I want your ideas. What do you think will make the average person sit up and pay attention to the seriousness of this topic. I know it has to take little to no time, but make a huge impression; this much, I know.
Today, I heard that California is considering approving methyl iodide, a seriously toxic chemical, as a pesticide for strawberry crops. According to Pesticide Action Network “Methyl iodide is so reliably carcinogenic that it’s used to induce cancer in the lab”. I mean, at what expense do you really need to have those strawberries? Before you consider popping those conventional strawberries into your shopping cart, then into your mouth… thinking it’s harmless and you are saving a few pennies, PLEASE consider all the strings attached to what it is you’re consuming. Know that you are supporting an industry that causes farm workers to die a slow and painful death. Farm workers who come to this country to better their lives and support their families, many of which are oblivious to the consequences associated with their jobs.
I want you to consider this. Nature is smarter than anything that could ever be created in a lab. It is perfect the way it is. For this reason, a macrobiotic diet emphasizes eating seasonally. To give an example, winter veggies like butternut squash and sweet potatoes are hearty and perfectly suited to our body’s natural need for denser, more caloric foods when the weather is cold out. As the weather begins to warm, we naturally crave fresher, cooling foods like berries, nectarines and cucumbers. Buying seasonal, organic produce not only protects you from harmful chemicals (Lord knows, anyone who lives in the city gets more than their fair share of these), but also protects the health of farm workers, our precious farmland and the voiceless animals for whom we can and SHOULD speak up. As an added benefit, when you shop seasonally… you save money and your body gets the nutrients you were meant to have WHEN you were meant to have them. What a novel idea!
Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for weighing in with your thoughts and ideas.
Friday, April 9, 2010
I woke up this AM with a brilliant new recipe... in fact, I'm enjoying it for breakfast this very moment as I write to share it with you! This makes one serving, so adjust ingredients accordingly as needed.
1 medium frozen strawberry
3-4 frozen bing cherries
1 medium frozen banana cut into bite sized chunks
1 heaping Tablespoon raw unsweetened cacao powder (I like Navitas)
6 oz unsweetened almond milk (I like Pacific Natural) - you can start with less and add more to achieve desired consistency
** I especially like the slight bitterness the unsweetened cacao imparts to this luscious smoothie, reminiscent of a dark chocolate berry bar. If you find it too bitter for your taste, feel free to add a touch of agave or maple syrup/ maple crystals.
** For those allergic to chocolate, carob powder is a perfectly acceptable substitute (I use Chatfield's brand)
** If you want to try something a little different... try adding a dash of cayenne pepper... trust me, it works!
** With summer on the horizon, try freezing this in an ice cube tray for mini berry fudgesicles...mmm... berrryyy good!!
Blend and voila... breakfast and dessert in a matter of seconds!! Now that you're properly fueled, get out there and make your dreams happen! <3
1 medium frozen strawberry
3-4 frozen bing cherries
1 medium frozen banana cut into bite sized chunks
1 heaping Tablespoon raw unsweetened cacao powder (I like Navitas)
6 oz unsweetened almond milk (I like Pacific Natural) - you can start with less and add more to achieve desired consistency
** I especially like the slight bitterness the unsweetened cacao imparts to this luscious smoothie, reminiscent of a dark chocolate berry bar. If you find it too bitter for your taste, feel free to add a touch of agave or maple syrup/ maple crystals.
** For those allergic to chocolate, carob powder is a perfectly acceptable substitute (I use Chatfield's brand)
** If you want to try something a little different... try adding a dash of cayenne pepper... trust me, it works!
** With summer on the horizon, try freezing this in an ice cube tray for mini berry fudgesicles...mmm... berrryyy good!!
Blend and voila... breakfast and dessert in a matter of seconds!! Now that you're properly fueled, get out there and make your dreams happen! <3
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
These are a few of my favorite things...
Hi all!
I've often been told that I have a certain knack for discovering really obscure, high quality, unique products (which have a tendency to become discontinued shortly thereafter), and who am I to disagree? I'm hoping that with this blog, which will certainly grow over time, as it's just a little seedling at the moment... that I can share some of my favorite healthful items with you and that you will use and enjoy them and tell a friend! Remember those Albertsons commercials? Wow, 1980's TV marketing must've really done a number on me if I still remember that-- EEK!
So, my sweet tooth has been coming on STRONG since I completed that 4 week cleanse (gotta find a new excuse already, it's been weeks now!) and I wanted to share with you a list of some of my current favorite things to snack on... snacks that bring me much joy, might I add. This is only the first installment, and will likely become a regular feature as I've got so many great items to share with you all!
I have listed each item, with the pros, cons and my favorite way(s) to enjoy each. Note that for many of the items, price was listed as a con. Nevertheless, like Alice Waters of Chez Panisse fame (my new hero!), I must be an absolutist when I say... if you must skimp, do so in other areas of your life... NOT when it comes to your health! Preventative medicine starts with you and the daily choices you make. You can find incredible deals online these days, so shop around a little and go for quality and a little less quantity. You're worth it, and frankly, we can all stand to eat a little less!
Erewhon Crispy Brown Rice Cereal
Pros – Gluten free
Refined sugar free
Only 3 ingredients
Snap, crackle and pop just like Kellogg’s
Brown (not white) rice
Cons – Slightly pricier than other cereal brands, but you’re worth it!
How I like to eat it: with chopped up maple pecans, almond milk and strawberries
Pacific Natural unsweetened almond milk
Pros – Minimal, all natural ingredients
No added sweetener
No added oil
Preserved with carageenan (a natural preservative derived from red seaweed)
Low Fat version now available
Soy and gluten free
One of the most nutritious non-dairy milk substitutes
How I like to drink it: with my Erewhon cereal! It is also wonderful in fruit smoothies. It is key that every fruit smoothie have frozen banana chunks blended through it to give it a luscious and creamy mouth-feel. I usually take bananas that are just about to become over-ripe (but not quite there yet) and cut into bite sized pieces and keep in the freezer in small zip loc bags for up to two weeks! Also excellent foamed up and perched atop a latte.
Didi’s Baking for Health Mac ‘n Cheese –
Pros – Great protein-packed meal or snack on the go
Minimal, all natural ingredients
Lovingly handcrafted in small batches
Gluten free
Cons – Very few stores carry this product (Erewhon in L.A. and Co-Opportunity in Santa Monica, that I know of, otherwise must ship from NY direct from maker)
On the pricey side ($5 per 1.7 oz. pouch) if they become a habit (which they likely will!)
Nuts not organic
How I like to eat them: A better question would be, how do I NOT like to eat these?! They’re so delicious that I always intend to snack on just half the bag (2 “cookies”--which are plenty) but end up gobbling up the whole pack of four and call it a meal. These are great pre or post workout or if you’re out and about and need a filling and portable meal.
Tierra Farm organic raw nuts and unsweetened dried fruits (ie. Bing cherries)
Pros – A wide selection of dried unsweetened fruits like bing cherries
Wide selection of raw nuts
Reasonable rates and shipping (especially compared to other organic fruit/ nut stores online)
Arrive fresh, beautifully packed and in perfect order
Cons – Not local unless you live in NY
How I like to eat them: On top of cereal, on the go snacks, and pre & post workout! Also great in homemade cookies and granola sweetened with date sugar, maple sugar and/ or brown rice syrup!
Teeccino Herbal Coffee –
Pros – Tastes SO much like coffee, but you don’t have to love coffee to love it
Selection of luscious flavors like Hazelnut, Vanilla Almond or simply Java
75% organic
Made of wholesome ingredients like nuts, dates, chicory that give you a natural energy boost
Inulin from chicory keeps you regular and promotes the growth of good intestinal bacteria. It also decreases the body’s ability to make bad fats associated with cholesterol and heart disease
20 Calories per serving
Caffeine free
Promotes alkaline balance
Dessert substitute
Promotes alkaline balance
Dessert substitute
Cons – A little pricey (about $9 per 11 oz. bag), but Vitacost.com (which, incidentally has the best prices ever on a surprisingly vast array of health food and supplement items) offers it at a great price!
25% not organic
How I like to drink it: Just under a Tbsp in a french press, steep 3 minutes. I like it straight with a tsp of organic maple syrup. Add a couple of Jennies macaroons (not vegan) and I am a VERY HAPPY GIRL! The slight bitterness of the Teeccino together with a bite of the sticky sweet macaroon is a heavenly combination. Also, it’s delicious as a latte with foamed almond milk on top and sweetened with maple crystals. Hazelnut is my favorite flavor thusfar, I recommend that you skip the mint chocolate.
Lakewood Organic Fresh Pressed Papaya Juice–
Pros – I always say, juice yourself if possible. If not possible, this brand is your next best bet
Not from concentrate
No added (non juice) sweeteners
Delicious flavors like papaya, pure carrot and pure pineapple
Short, pure list of ingredients
Glass (not plastic!) bottles
Cons – A bit pricier than other juice brands. Nevertheless, a good honest product.
Nutrients from fruit and veggies dissipate when exposed to heat and light,
that’s why it’s always best to juice yourself, and juice just enough so that you
consume the entire amount in a short time!
How I like it: Chilled with 1/4 water added to dilute the sweetness a touch. I also love combining with nut butters to make raw vegan salad dressings.
Tonic Scene raw dark chocolate –
Pros – Raw
High in antioxidants
Small list of natural ingredients
Very lightly sweetened with agave
70% cacao
Cons – (This is becoming a theme, but…) pricey. About $4.00 for a 1 oz bar
How I like to eat it: In under a minute before I get from the grocery store back to my car. Be sure to keep these refrigerated!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Food for the Mind, Body and Spirit
About a month ago, the skin on my right index finger and middle finger began to break out with tiny red pimples. Subsequently, the index finger became swollen to one and a half times its normal size and I started to develop stiffness and warmth in both fingers. I happened to have a chiropractor appointment around this time, so I showed him when I went in. He took one look and said “it looks like psoriatic arthritis”. SAY WHAAATT!? Combine the fact that I have a great deal of respect for my chiro, my penchant for hypochondria and that I already knew some really scary details about PA because a co-worker was recently diagnosed with a very severe version… and I totally LOST MY SHIT.
For a few weeks straight, I shut the blinds, dropped out and tuned into the internet to scour every possible bit of information I could find and began mapping out my future gym workouts as a handicapped person. I’m nothing if not resourceful! This wasn’t my proudest moment, to be sure… but certainly one of my most humbling. The more I researched and dwelled, the worse my symptoms seemed to get. Pretty soon, I was sure that all my fingers and a couple of toes were involved and I couldn’t seem to grip anything without fumbling for it first. Every little ache or pain that before I would have simply chalked up to my intense workouts without enough stretching, I was paying miscroscopic attention to. After awhile, I couldn’t tell which symptoms were real, which were imagined and which were real because I had imagined them. Yeah people, I was a hot mess.
I had scheduled a visit with my doctor, God bless her, as she is an angel from above! She recommended I take some herbal anti-inflammatory capsules, put me on a liver cleansing nutritional program and ordered some blood tests. So I had another full week of freaking out while waiting on the results. I had already decided that I wouldn’t be impressed with them anyway, because there is no conclusive test for PA. I knew this because if there’s one description that sums me up, it would have to be detail-oriented; both a blessing and a curse. A week later, the tests came back OK; a small relief. It was now nearly a month later, and my fingers were starting to look normal again and I was set to visit with a rheumatologist at UCLA. Armed with my camera of hand shots…since most of the remnants of my little episode had cleared… I was off to see a specialist. The doctor checked all my joints, asking me to flex and stretch. She concluded that while some of my symptoms sounded like PA, one very important factor was missing… lack of any pain. She took some detailed notes, told me I’m in great physical shape and that if the condition returns, to visit her. In the meantime, she ordered some tests to check for genetic susceptibility to autoimmune illness. The results eventually came back fine, save for a major Vitamin D deficiency, which the doctor thinks likely contributed to my joint incident. Aside from prescribing a high dose supplement, neither doc seemed worried and both told me I was free to return to my regular workouts so long as I wasn’t experiencing any pain. Anyone who knows me knows what music that must’ve been to my ears!
I wholeheartedly believe that everything happens for a reason. I know that this was no accident, rather it was a stepping stone along the path of my chosen career as a food therapist. While I already knew these things, I needed to be (powerfully) reminded of the following … 1- Food IS medicine, 2- The mind is a seriously POWERFUL thing, and can make or break you… so why not let it make you, hm?, 3- Appreciate every little thing you have and every little thing your body does for you on a daily basis. In the process, I also learned some fascinating things I hadn’t known before. I became a veritable expert on the intricacies of autoimmune illness…and learned that a majority of them usually boil down to one key element… and that is the AA:EPA ratio… I’ll explain momentarily.
First, I’d like to talk about the mind/body connection, because it is so incredibly powerful. I really cannot emphasize this enough. And frankly, this is a huge piece of the puzzle that Western medicine is lacking; factoring in the WHOLE PERSON—mind, body and spirit. The fascinating thing to me about autoimmune illness is that flare-ups wax and wane according to a person’s state of mind at the time. Usually depressive episodes are associated with flare-ups whereas happier times are associated with a remission of disease. This is a testament to the body’s incredible ability to heal itself given the right combination of circumstances. Since these autoimmune conditions are so suggestible to mood, hypnotherapy is an extremely effective tool in managing AD and is actually capable of guiding a patient into remission. This is precisely why good bedside manner is key in the patient-doctor relationship. Many doctors these days are overbooked, overworked and underpaid by insurance companies. Their hearts just aren’t in it. Nevertheless, patients deserve to be told about their condition in a kind and compassionate way. A doctor’s delivery alone can mean the difference between an autoimmune client experiencing a flare-up or heading into remission. These are the kinds of holistic ideas that I hope our new healthcare system will take into serious account. I believe this country is moving in that direction. As a GIRLLLL (okay, a woman, but girl just sounds so much more sing-songey), I also found it especially interesting to learn that there have even been accounts of AD going into remission after a person falls in love…. how romantic!!! Interestingly, my episode had occurred just after I had lost my job of nearly a decade. I didn’t think I was stressed about it. I really had no idea. But when push comes to shove, the body will find a way to move any blocked negative energy/chi to clean them shits out (Tribe Called Quest reference-anyone reckanize?). Did you know that 99% of your genes were designed to keep you healthy? Yes, that is 99%, almost 100%!!! That’s a pretty major head start, so why mess that up by adding nasty foods and stress to your life?! Eat well, laugh often and go out and fall in love!!! Then teach your loved one to hypnotize you… tee hee!
Now, a bit about nutrition. There’s a little-BIG thing researchers have discovered called the AA:EPA ratio. It’s been highly recognized that an imbalance in AA (arachidonic acid) to EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) is the root cause of a huge array of diseases, particularly ones of the American variety. When the body is exposed to too much saturated fat (usually from animal sources and all kinds of fried & processed-food trans fats) and not enough healthy fat (omega 3’s from olive oil, flax, nuts and seeds), it begins to develop inflammation which may or may not present with immediate symptoms. Heart disease, cancer, hypertension, AD…are all attributable to a diet high in AA. Why does AA cause disease? It’s very simple. Pro inflammatory molecules called eicosanoids are derived from AA. These eicosanoids are responsible for many complex bodily functions and for exerting hormone-like effects on cells. Up until now, it’s been the American way to live BIG (literally and figuratively) and to worry about the consequences later. In the process, this country has become fatter, more sedentary and resigned to its ailing health. What most of our doctors haven’t been telling us is that these conditions which tear apart families, leave children without parent(s) and cut short the lives of young adults are, for the most part, preventable through proper nutrition and lifestyle choices. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, in his brilliant book, Eat 2 Live, discusses how he has successfully reversed his patients’ Type II diabetes, hypertension, as well as prevented a majority of his patients from undergoing bypass surgery…simply by having them follow a vegan diet. What many of us don’t understand is that what we choose to feed our bodies is THAT powerful. This ain’t no hippy dippy Alice in Wonderland mumbo jumbo, people—it’s for real! As Thomas A. Edison much more eloquently put it “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” So, you can continue with your French fries and hamburger diet and wash it down with all kinds of pills to try to counter the damage you’re doing. Or, you can decide to take control of your health and start eating more nutrient dense foods (click here for a list: http://www.drfuhrman.com/library/article17.aspx ) and throw those pills away! Your doctor probably won’t tell you all this, but now you know and the decision is yours to make…POWER… feels SO GOOD, doesn’t it?!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
SunPower makes me happy smiley!!!

Usually, when I want to eat something vegan that actually tastes good…. I head West or to Silverlake. My latest discovery is SunPower Natural Organic Cafe in … waitttt forrr ittt… Studio City, folks! And YES, it is delicious, highly nutritious, annnddd crave-worthy! SunPower offers a combination of both raw and cooked foods. Chef Rawsheed has created an incredibly varied and sophisticated menu, that speaks to his knowledge and talent for vegan "cooking".

I recently sat down with owner and longtime vegan Ron Russell Jackson to pick his brain a little….
Q: What's the inspiration behind the name--Sunpower?
A: The SunPower name came from the energy and life the sun gives to the earth, and our organic, raw food represents that life.
Q: How long have you personally been vegan and what prompted your transition?
A: I've been vegetarian 34 years, vegan about 10. My initial conversion to a vegetarian diet was prompted by working as a fry cook and being disgusted by all the meat. It quickly evolved into, "I don't have the right to take this animal's life."
Q: When i take non vegan friends out to eat, i often hear the phrase "i prefer to eat REAL food". People fear that if it didn't come from an animal, they will walk away hungry or with their wallets emptied. I found neither to be the case with Sunpower. The food is EXTREMELY filling and energy giving. Why do you think your average American has come to think of vegan food this way?
A: I think many meat eaters have experienced bad vegan food (no taste, not creative, not filling, etc.). But at SunPower we put taste first. More than half our customers are meat eaters that come for the taste, and the health aspect. We had one meat eating customer, Joseph, who wrote a review saying, "The food is so good I almost cried. I crave this food everyday now. This is a once in a lifetime experience."
Q: The dining area is quaint and cozy, and seems to encourage socializing amongst patrons and staff. Was this intentional or are your customers and employees just super friendly?
A: We wanted to create a community feel to the restaurant. We've seen many customers start up conversations with each other and become friends. It's great to see.
As SunPower's popularity continues to rise, you may need to wait a short while to be seated. Luckily for us though, they will be doubling the size of their dining room in the next couple of weeks! My grumbling tummy wants to say thank you in advance!
Check this sweet little gem of a place out for yourselves and let me have your thoughts! The prices are reasonable, the food AMAZING, and the ingredients high quality… and you will likely walk away with some food for your soul in the process! Can't beat that now, can you, hm?
** Must try's :
Raw tiramisu (I always like to start with dessert, hey, life is short people!)
Raw supreme pizza with marinara sauce, cashew cheese (don't knock it 'til you've tried it!), SunPower "sausage", peppers and onions
Sunpower Natural 3711 W. Cahuenga Blvd. Studio City, CA 91604 sales@sunpowernatural.com 1-818-308-7420 |
Friday, January 22, 2010
Ode to Arcona
For awhile now, it has been my intention to create a section which lists some of my favorite cruelty free items, businesses and things-to-do... and just as I was on the heels of dishing about my very favorite holistic body and haircare line, Arcona, I hear that they are about to discontinue their body care line (with rumblings of the haircare line potentially to follow). I. am. DEVASTATED!
I believe that not too long ago, Arcona changed ownership... with the original creator selling the brand to an investor who moved the spa from Valley Village to Santa Monica. While I have seen the product packaging begin to have a more streamlined look, the quality has remained the same. Arcona products are renowned for having a small list of recognizable ingredients (like shea butter and essential oils), and are all-natural and cold-processed. They feel great on, don't contain any frightening chemicals, and smell like heaven.
I sincerely hope that the powers-that-be at Arcona will not let such a TRULY AMAZING set of products, created by a woman named Arcona, and clearly with a lot of love... die an early death. I can safely say there is not a holistic haircare and bodycare line I have tried (and for anyone who knows me, I have tried practically everything under the sun) that feels and smells so good, and most importantly... IT WORKS, without hurting any adorable defenseless living things (that includes you, reading this-- although I'm not so sure about the defenseless bit!).
I have written a desperate plea to the CEO of Arcona and will keep y'all posted. I suggested more advertising, because while many people have heard of Arcona... most have no idea that they also have a full range of body and hair products. TO-DIE-FOR products, at that!
And what's this about the debut of a new men's care line, while they're discontinuing the body line??? MY body line?! Mrs. Arcona, I will put up my dukes in defense of your truly INCREDIBLE products. Never cross a girl who's grooming is potentially threatened!
For those of you who know & LOVE Arcona, please call or write kevin@arcona.com. For those of you who don't, check out their website...and show your support to this cruelty free business so that they may stick around another 20 years!!!
I believe that not too long ago, Arcona changed ownership... with the original creator selling the brand to an investor who moved the spa from Valley Village to Santa Monica. While I have seen the product packaging begin to have a more streamlined look, the quality has remained the same. Arcona products are renowned for having a small list of recognizable ingredients (like shea butter and essential oils), and are all-natural and cold-processed. They feel great on, don't contain any frightening chemicals, and smell like heaven.
I sincerely hope that the powers-that-be at Arcona will not let such a TRULY AMAZING set of products, created by a woman named Arcona, and clearly with a lot of love... die an early death. I can safely say there is not a holistic haircare and bodycare line I have tried (and for anyone who knows me, I have tried practically everything under the sun) that feels and smells so good, and most importantly... IT WORKS, without hurting any adorable defenseless living things (that includes you, reading this-- although I'm not so sure about the defenseless bit!).
I have written a desperate plea to the CEO of Arcona and will keep y'all posted. I suggested more advertising, because while many people have heard of Arcona... most have no idea that they also have a full range of body and hair products. TO-DIE-FOR products, at that!
And what's this about the debut of a new men's care line, while they're discontinuing the body line??? MY body line?! Mrs. Arcona, I will put up my dukes in defense of your truly INCREDIBLE products. Never cross a girl who's grooming is potentially threatened!
For those of you who know & LOVE Arcona, please call or write kevin@arcona.com. For those of you who don't, check out their website...and show your support to this cruelty free business so that they may stick around another 20 years!!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Warm Kale Salad
Hi all!
So lately, I've been on this kick of replicating my favorite restaurant meals. Costs less and you know what you're getting. Whoever says you can't eat healthy on a budget better think again!
Thanks to a tip from a couple of friends, I recently discovered the warm kale (All Hail Kale) salad at The Veggie Grill in WeHo. I mean, how good can a salad be, right? Which is precisely why it took me awhile to get down to actually trying it. I've been craving it almost daily ever since, and so I set about trying to make it myself this weekend.
I love going to the Saturday farmer's market, and it's especially fun when I've got a specific purpose/ recipe in mind! For awhile now, it's become a weekly tradition for me to visit the drive thru ATM early Saturday morning, withdraw a single $20 bill and set out to buy as much seasonal, local, organic fresh produce I can get my grubby little hands on!
This past weekend, I picked up some beautiful fluffy green kale, brought it home and got to work. This salad uses mostly common ingredients that you are likely to already have in your pantry. My version has a slight twist... instead of lemon miso ginger dressing... I created a delicious chili-lime-ginger vinaigrette. I omitted the candied walnuts opting instead to use raw walnuts which are much healthier for you and just as yummy!
So, please check out the recipe and let me know how y'all like it!
1 bunch green kale with coarse ribs removed and cut into salad bite-sized pieces
1 small tomato finely diced
1/2 cup cooked corn
1 cup quinoa
1/8 small head of purple cabbage thinly sliced
1 small carrot shredded
1/4 tsp garlic powder
2 Tbsp canola oil
1/2 cup raw shelled walnuts (optional)
1/4 cup Maple syrup
1/4 cup Agave syrup
1 Tbsp Powdered ginger
1/4 cup hot/ boiling water
Add 2:1/ water:quinoa in a small saucepan and cook covered over medium (first) then low heat until water is mostly gone (quinoa should still be moist from the little bit of water remaining).
In a large stockpot, heat 2 Tbsp canola oil and add cooked quinoa, diced tomatoes, garlic powder, salt & pepper to taste and saute for about a minute. Add kale and about 1/2 a cup of water, close lid and leave for about 10-15 minutes until kale has wilted and decreased by about half in volume.
Mix together and whisk dressing ingredients until well incorporated. Pour half of dressing into the bottom of a salad bowl, together with cooked corn. Add kale mixture and lightly toss until kale leaves are evenly coated in dressing and quinoa/ tomatoes/ corn are evenly distributed throughout.
Add cabbage, shredded carrots (and walnuts) on top as a garnish and serve while kale mix is still warm.
Soooo goooddd!!!! :-9
Why eat kale? Here are a few excellent reasons...
Kale is full of a highly absorbable form of calcium... superior to milk! As an added bonus, it's not an acid-forming food (unlike milk), which leaches your body of more calcium than it actually provides.
Chock full of beta-carotene, the anti-oxidants in kale keep your immune system going strong
So lately, I've been on this kick of replicating my favorite restaurant meals. Costs less and you know what you're getting. Whoever says you can't eat healthy on a budget better think again!
Thanks to a tip from a couple of friends, I recently discovered the warm kale (All Hail Kale) salad at The Veggie Grill in WeHo. I mean, how good can a salad be, right? Which is precisely why it took me awhile to get down to actually trying it. I've been craving it almost daily ever since, and so I set about trying to make it myself this weekend.
I love going to the Saturday farmer's market, and it's especially fun when I've got a specific purpose/ recipe in mind! For awhile now, it's become a weekly tradition for me to visit the drive thru ATM early Saturday morning, withdraw a single $20 bill and set out to buy as much seasonal, local, organic fresh produce I can get my grubby little hands on!
This past weekend, I picked up some beautiful fluffy green kale, brought it home and got to work. This salad uses mostly common ingredients that you are likely to already have in your pantry. My version has a slight twist... instead of lemon miso ginger dressing... I created a delicious chili-lime-ginger vinaigrette. I omitted the candied walnuts opting instead to use raw walnuts which are much healthier for you and just as yummy!
So, please check out the recipe and let me know how y'all like it!
1 bunch green kale with coarse ribs removed and cut into salad bite-sized pieces
1 small tomato finely diced
1/2 cup cooked corn
1 cup quinoa
1/8 small head of purple cabbage thinly sliced
1 small carrot shredded
1/4 tsp garlic powder
2 Tbsp canola oil
1/2 cup raw shelled walnuts (optional)
1/4 cup canola oil
1 medium lime juiced
1/2 tsp chili pepper
Salt and Pepper TT1/2 tsp chili pepper
1/4 cup Maple syrup
1/4 cup Agave syrup
1 Tbsp Powdered ginger
1/4 cup hot/ boiling water
Add 2:1/ water:quinoa in a small saucepan and cook covered over medium (first) then low heat until water is mostly gone (quinoa should still be moist from the little bit of water remaining).
In a large stockpot, heat 2 Tbsp canola oil and add cooked quinoa, diced tomatoes, garlic powder, salt & pepper to taste and saute for about a minute. Add kale and about 1/2 a cup of water, close lid and leave for about 10-15 minutes until kale has wilted and decreased by about half in volume.
Mix together and whisk dressing ingredients until well incorporated. Pour half of dressing into the bottom of a salad bowl, together with cooked corn. Add kale mixture and lightly toss until kale leaves are evenly coated in dressing and quinoa/ tomatoes/ corn are evenly distributed throughout.
Add cabbage, shredded carrots (and walnuts) on top as a garnish and serve while kale mix is still warm.
Soooo goooddd!!!! :-9
Why eat kale? Here are a few excellent reasons...
Kale is full of a highly absorbable form of calcium... superior to milk! As an added bonus, it's not an acid-forming food (unlike milk), which leaches your body of more calcium than it actually provides.
Chock full of beta-carotene, the anti-oxidants in kale keep your immune system going strong
Friday, January 1, 2010
Ring in the New Year with Vegan Tacos!!!
I've been eating at Real Food Daily for at least a decade now... and 9 out of 10 times, I order their Tac o' the Town tacos. I recently decided to try to replicate these amazingly delicious tacos myself and like anything I set my mind to... not only have I succeeded, but I believe I've set a new bar! Let's just say I'm thinking of challenging RFD to a taco throwdown, baby... because these are positively SCRUMPTIOUS!!!
Check out the New Year's spread I made last night (home page)... does that look GOOD or what, people?!
Here are the ingredients and instructions for this easy breezy delicious dish (produces 6 tacos) ...
Half Field Roast Traditional meat loaf cut into 1/8" squares
2-3 Tbsp Simply Organic Spicy Taco mix
1/4-1/3 cup water
Dash of cumin
2.5 jarred Tbsp Tomato Paste
3 Tbsp canola oil
6 corn taco shells
Heat medium sized skillet with canola oil
Add ingredients and stir
** Add water per your liking to thin out tomato sauce
Guacamole :
2 small avocados
1 medium sized lemon or lime
1/3 tsp coarse salt
1/2 tsp very finely chopped sweet onion
1/3 tsp cilantro
1/2 tsp finely chopped tomato
Mash mix... voila!
Sour cream sauce:
6 Tbsp Tofutti sour cream
1 Tbsp dried dill
pinch of cayenne pepper
1/3 tsp salt
Spanish rice:
1.5 cups cracked wheat bulgur (size 4)
2 Tbsp jarred tomato paste
1.5 Tbsp cumin
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (or more if you like spicy!)
1 small carrot very finely diced
1 small sweet white onion very finely diced
1 small stalk of celery very finely diced
1 tsp salt
Wash and rinse bulgur, place in small saucepan and cover with water (about an inch more than bulgur), add 1/2 tsp salt, and 1 tsp canola oil, cover and cook over medium (then low) heat until water is mostly gone. Bulgur should still be slightly moist from remaining water.
Sautee veggies with oil, tomato paste, cumin, salt and cayenne in a separate pan until they're translucent/ soft.
Add bulgur and stir.
Tomato salsa:
One large tomato
1 tsp chopped cilantro
1 tsp chopped sweet white onion
Juice of one small lemon or lime
1/3 tsp salt
Refreshing Lebanese (Fatoush) Slaw:
1/2 small head of green cabbage thinly sliced
1/2 small head of purple cabbage thinly sliced
3 Tbsp dried mint
2 small-medium lemons juiced
1/4 cup fresh parsley chopped
1 medium-large tomato diced at about 1/8"
1/4 cup canola oil
2 Tbsp salt
Toss and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.
Bon Appetit friends! I hope you enjoy this meal as much as I did!
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